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If you examine Whole Foods's way of doingbusiness, you will see that you can utilize some ofthe same ideas to fashion yourself as the prizedcandidate that hiring managers will crave. Here arefive lessons that you can turn you into a first-choicepick:
1. Appearance counts. The store boasts anincredible array of goods. The shelves are always neat and full, but nothing seems ever to beout of place, and there is absolutely no sense of clutter. The ambiance of the store screams"Clean!"
Lesson: Whether or not you like it, appearance does matter. Pay attention to how othersperceive your physical appearance, and the underlying message about you as a person that itconveys. You don't need to look like a model, but you do need to look professional and be atyour best. Wear well-fitting professional attire, and be meticulously groomed. When you speak,get right to the point and don't ramble. Let your words and style of speech demonstrate yourorganized thinking.
2. Perfection is tantalizing. At Whole Foods, all the fresh fruits and vegetables are at theirpeak stage of ripeness and without blemishes. They make you lick your lips with anticipation.
Lesson: Employers salivate over "perfect fit" candidates. You must demonstrate yourpassion for the role you seek. However, your desire for a job doesn't, in and of itself, make acompelling case for you to be hired. For a short job hunt, focus your efforts on those jobswhere you will be seen as possessing all the desired education, experience, abilities andqualities. These are the jobs for which you'll be seen as a truly appetizing candidate.
If you aren't the right fit now for the role you seek, think about what you can do makeyourself more shine in the future. That might mean taking a stepping-stone role now, getting acertification, earning a particular degree or something else.
3. Helpfulness counts. Courteous staff members are easy to locate. They never respondto "Where is XXX located?" by saying "Look two aisles over." Instead they are trained toimmediately take the initiative to cheerfully walk the customer to the precise location where thedesired product is located. They understand that customizing their efforts to a customer'sdesire makes him or her much more likely to buy whatever product he or she had in mind.
Lesson: When your interviewer asks you a question, don't ever direct his or her attentionaway from you by saying, "You can find this on my résumé" and leave it at that. Every queryrepresents an opportunity to take your interviewer where he or she wants to go: becomingconvinced that you are a solid "must have" hire.
4. People value healthy products. Whole Foods appeals to health and environmentallyconscious consumers by offering unadulterated, organic food. The underlying message is thatconsumers will be better off from using the store's products.
Lesson: When you are preparing for your interview, bear in mind that the underlyingpurpose of hiring anyone is to make a company's bottom line healthier. Think about ways youcan contribute to make that perspective employer "better off" by saving expenses, increasingsales or improving productivity. Every contribution to the bottom line has at least one of thesecomponents, and you should be prepared to demonstrate your desire and ability to bring thatvalue with you.
5. Top quality demands top dollar. You can often find comparable food cheaper in otherstores. And, while Whole Foods does run promotions and sales, its overall pitch is more aboutvalue than price. Because its customers believe that this chain consistently provides top qualitygoods, the consumer can justify paying more for them.
Lesson: Remember not to get pinned down to a specific salary number until you are surethat the employer believes that you are the very best candidate. Only then can you shift thedecision maker away from hiring based on cost to the company to hiring total quality and http://m.emrowgh.com's mind why youdeserve to start at or near the top of the salary range.