In this analysis we will examine three pie charts. The first one is headed ‘World Spending.’ The second is ‘World Population’ and the third is ‘Consumption of Resources.’
In the first chart we can see that people spend most of their income (24%) on food. In some countries this percentage would obviously be much higher. Transport and then housing are the next major expenses at 18% and 12% respectively. Only 6% of income is spent on clothing.
In the second chart entitled ‘World Population’, it is not surprising to find that 57% of people live in Asia. In fact China and India are two of the most populated countries in the world and they are both situated on this continent. Europe and the Americans account for nearly 30% of the total, whilst 10% of people live in Africa.
Finally, the third chart reveals that the USA and Europe consume a huge 60% of the world’s resource.
To sum up, the major expenditure is on food, the population figures are the highest for Asia and the major consumers are the USA and Europe.
Form, comprise, make up, occupy
Constitute, cover, represent, account for
Be shared by
In 1950, the urban population represented less than 13% of the total. It isnow about 40% and is expected to reach 60% by 2030. (摘自BBC)
A quarter of…
Half of…
A majority of…
A has something in common with b
A shares some similarity with b
The difference between a and b lies in…
Double, triple, quadruple (v, n, adj)
原來(lái)的2倍-double, 50→100
原來(lái)的3倍-triple, 50→150
原來(lái)的4倍-quadruple, 50→200
It is clear that the most (adj.) xx is A, which accounts for m% of all x .B is the next largest(adj.)xx ,n% lower than A of all x and followed closely byC . The above three items of xx take uo about o% of the x%
By contrast D E andF make uo the smallest percentage of total x , which arep% q% and r% ,respectively.
The regions can be divided into two groups-one where … and the other wherethe reverse is the case.