


時間:2021-11-22 15:50:29 名人語錄 我要投稿


1、 "We have top players and, sorry if I'm arrogant, we have a top manager." “我們擁有最頂尖的球員,在此請原諒我的自大,我們還擁有最頂尖的主教練” ——穆里尼奧在短短幾年間贏得了冠軍杯、聯(lián)盟杯并蟬聯(lián)英超聯(lián)賽冠軍,他不狂還能有誰能狂呢?


2、 "Look, we're not entertaining? I don't care; we win." “我們踢得不夠有觀賞性?我不在乎,反正我們贏球了! ——穆里尼奧的實用主義哲學讓他招致了不少批評,但是贏得冠軍才是足球場上的硬道理。

3、 "If he helped me out in training,we would be bottom of the league." “如果他(阿布拉莫維奇)在訓練場邊幫我出主意,我們恐怕會聯(lián)賽墊底! ——葡萄牙人討厭老板干涉球隊戰(zhàn)術,這恐怕也是他如今下課的重要原因。

4、 "I think he is one of these people who is a voyeur. He likes to watch other people. There are some guys who, when they are at home, have a big telescope to see what happens in other families. He speaks, speaks, speaks about Chelsea." “我想溫格是那些***狂之一,他們喜歡觀察別人,總是在家用大口徑望遠鏡窺探別家的生活。他(溫格)不停地在談論切爾西! ——狂人從不給對手“面子”,連溫文爾雅的教授也不放過。

5、 "Pressure? What pressure? Pressure is poor people in the world trying to feed their families. There is no pressure in football" “壓力?什么是壓力?壓力是窮人為填飽一家人的肚子而煩惱。足球毫無壓力可言! ——葡萄牙人的思維方式確實很獨特,難怪他總是能在面對壓力時獲勝。

6、 "The circumstances are difficult for us with the new football rules that we have to face. It is not possible to have a penalty against Manchester United and it is not possible to have penalties in favour of Chelsea. It is not a conspiracy, it is fact. I speak facts. If not, I need big glasses." “新規(guī)則讓我們面對的局面更加艱難,曼聯(lián)的對手從來得不到點球機會,而切爾西卻在這上面頻頻吃虧。這不是陰謀,這是事實。我只是在闡述事實,如果不是,那我需要配一副大號眼鏡了。” ——穆里尼奧總喜歡用這種諷刺性的`尖刻話語,給裁判和對手施壓。

7、 "There are only two ways for me to leave Chelsea. One way is in June 2015 when I finish my contract and if the club doesn't give me a new one. It is the end of my contract and I am out. The second way is for Chelsea to sack me. The way of the manager leaving the club by deciding to walk away, no chance! I will never do this to Chelsea supporters." “只有兩種方式讓我離開切爾西:第一種,2015年6月合同期滿而且俱樂部不和我續(xù)約;第二種,切爾西解雇我。主教練決定辭職,我決不會這么做!我不會這么對待切爾西球迷。” ——就像當初預言的一樣,狂人以第二種方式昂首離開了斯坦福橋。

8、 "Everybody wants Chelsea to lose a game. When they do they should declare a public holiday." “所有人都希望切爾西輸球,如果我們輸了,他們會把那天定為公眾的節(jié)日。” ——05/06賽季初,切爾西一騎絕塵,穆里尼奧覺得他和他的球隊已經(jīng)成為“公敵”。

9、 "As we say in Portugal, they brought the bus and they left the bus in front of the goal." “按照葡萄牙的說法,他們(熱刺)帶來一輛大巴,并把他放在了球門前! ——切爾西被托特納姆熱刺0-0逼平后,穆里尼奧幽默地表示。

10、 "God, after god, me." “上帝,除了上帝,就是我。” ——狂人一入主切爾西,便以“上帝第一我第二”的姿態(tài)開始治軍。他甚至給隊員們發(fā)放了一份“穆里尼奧十誡”手冊。









