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Do you agree or disagree: Athletes or celebrities that are from the entertainment business can change their careers to be politicians.
Each person has his or her unique characteristics that are suitable to certain particular fields. If people can work in the field their interest and talents lie in, they can certainly contribute more to the society as well as the world. As Dmitri Mendeleev, the founder of periodical table, once put, “Enthusiasm is key to all success.” Thus, whoever the person is, an athlete, or a celebrity from the entertainment business, as long as they desire to divert their field, they can surely succeed with the profession change
Firstly, athletes and entertainment celebrities know more about people than the average. For politics, it is all about people and the needs of them viewed in a whole picture. Athletes and entertainment celebrities have had more chances of meeting people from all walks of life in the profession. In order to reach fame, those famous people needed to know more people and meet more people for opportunities when they were young. If they change to become a politician, they will know better about what people need who are from various kinds of background. A case in point, for businesspeople, they care more about if their business can be taken care of with the foresight for sustainable management down the road. However, for the average 5 to 9 workers, they pay more attention if the government can bring stability to their life, rather than venturing policies that might make a big difference. Since athletes and entertainment celebrities have known people from a wide range, they can take all reasons and perspectives into consideration and make out the policy that is made compromised to different needs of people. With the understanding of different groups of people, they can alter their profession into politics with success.
Secondly, athletes and entertainment celebrities can better tackle with pressure. Learning how to work hard in the completive world, they can endure more pressure than the average and still make great decisions under such condition. For athletes and entertainment celebrities, they need to work so hard to compete with other players or with other new stars in the trade. When they become politicians, they also need to endure tremendous stress and need to still work with it with a sane mind. Those public figures have had such training, so when they change to be a politician, they can better cope with the problems from the public. For example, politicians are often questioned by the public in their private life, they need to deal with opinions opposing to theirs with grace, not with anger or hatred. “A friend gained is better than an enemy added.” In addition, everyone has the liberty to change their occupation. We are living in a free world where people are protected by law to do whatever they desire, granting they are not violating the law. For sure changing occupation fields is not illegal. If they can win the heart of the voters, it means that they have pondered over what responsibility they are about to assume. It is not about the charming appearance or excellent performance in the court, but the ability to take the pressure and serve the public.
Admittedly, some people may maintain the viewpoint that it is not a wise decision for those athletes or entertainment celebrities to change to become politicians. For example, in the entertainment world, their jobs are to entertain people from different backgrounds. Yet for a politician, he or she cannot satisfy all the people because a great politician needs to have vision for the future and the public sometimes only see their benefits as the most important; however “such importance” is not advantageous to a long term development, such as road construction, building up schools or having to pay more tax on the transportation.However, once an athletes or a star from the show business can successfully change to the political world, it means they are ready and voters are approving. They might not know the secret of being successful, yet they do know the secret of being failing, that is-trying to please everybody—. Hence, when those public figures long to change their profession, they can do that successfully owing to the fact that they have met and known more people in their life and that they can deal with pressure better.
附:托福寫作點撥:Main body論證切勿蜻蜓點水,泛泛而談。具象的敘事和貼近的例子可以幫你加分。
1)談栗子的時候,如果敘事,適當給一坨屎放出“這是真的例子”的信號。因為一般大家懂得,栗子有時候會胡編亂造。to make more genuine,我們需要加上一些佐料:談書,我們可以講作者、書名;談事情,我們可以給出具體那個時間,是兩年前的夏天,還是上周二,描述一下那天的天氣等等;敘述人,講出具體的名字、身份,他的家鄉(xiāng)。這些都不是強制需要的東西,可是,謊圓的越全,會顯得栗子更加生動,人物躍然紙上。More details,more credit。
3)每段段尾點個題,大家都懂得。例子扯遠了有時候自己都不知道自己在說什么,為了避免跑題的嫌疑,最后給個簡單的In this way, the story tells us.(爛例子again)當然!也不要每段都是那么一句。它只適合放在合適的位置。
4)如果你為沒有足夠的素材而煩惱,我可以告訴你,不需要特別豐富的素材,我就沒有。從你身邊的例子開始想起。如果你真的需要名人名言。那么找1、2個經(jīng)歷豐富,美國人熟知的名人來了解其生平;蛘哒Z錄。啥主題的議論文都可以往上套。比如我的是Abraham Lincoln。
5)我建議一共三段main body,兩個正面論證,一個反面論證。這樣就體現(xiàn)了你思維的嚴謹性、豐富性,不會產(chǎn)生太多審美疲勞。