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時間:2021-06-21 14:31:11 閱讀 我要投稿


  MICHELE NORRIS, host: Were going to hear now about a new study that confirms what some women have suspected about body clocks. The study shows that women run on a different and faster clock than men. Its published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


  NPRs Richard Knox reports on some of the studys implications.

  RICHARD KNOX: For years, surveys have shown that women more often identify themselves as early birds and more men call themselves night owls, although there are lots of exceptions. Studies have also found that women report insomnia much more often than men. The new study, done on 157 people, may explain why.

  At a sleep lab in Boston, volunteers spent up to eight weeks in a windowless room with no idea what time it was in the outside world. That allowed their inner clocks to drift according to each persons natural circadian rhythm.

  Jeanne Duffy of Brigham and Womens Hospital is a study author.

  Dr. JEANNE DUFFY : What we found was that the cycle length of the biological clock in women was shorter on average than it was in men. And the average difference was about six minutes.

  KRULWICH: Now, she concedes that six minutes doesnt sound like much. But imagine you have a watch that runs six minutes too fast. If you didnt reset it, youd get more and more out of sync with the 24-hour cycle that we all have to live by.









