英語朗文詞典基礎(chǔ)詞匯
英語朗文詞典基礎(chǔ)詞匯
abilit
abut
abve
abrad
absence
absent
accept
acceptable
accident
accrdance
accrding
accunt
ache
acid
acrss
act
actin
active
activit
actr
actress
actual
add
additin
address
adective
adiratin
adire
adit
adittance
adult
advance
advantage
adventure
adverb
advertise
advertiseent
advice
advise
affair
affrd
afraid
after
afternn
afterwards
again
against
age
ag
agree
agreeent
ahead
ai
air
aircraft
airfrce
airprt
alchl
alie
alive
all
allw
alst
alne
alng
alud
alphabet
alread
als
althugh
altgether
alwas
ang
aunt
ause
auseent
ausing
an
ancient
and
anger
angle
angr
anial
anle
ann
annance
anther
answer
ant
anxiet
anxius
an
anhw
anne
anthing
anwhere
apart
apparatus
appear
appearance
apple
appint
apprval
apprve
arch
area
argue
arguent
ar
arr
ars
ar
arund
arrange
arrangeent
arrival
arrive
art
article
artificial
as
ash
ashaed
aside
as
asleep
assciatin
at
at
attac
attept
attend
attendance
attentin
attract
attractive
aunt
autun
average
avid
awae
awa
awward
bab
bac
bacgrund
bacward
bacwards
bacteria
bad
bag
bae
balance
ball
banana
band
ban
bar
bare
barrel
base
baset
bath
bathe
battle
be
bea
bea
bean
bear
beard
beat
beautiful
beaut
because
bece
bed
bee
beer
befre
beg
begin
beginning
behave
behavir
behind
belief
believe
bell
belng
belw
belt
bend
beneath
berr
beside
besides
best
better
between
bend
biccle
big
bill
bind
bird
birth
birthda
bit
bite
bitter
blac
blade
blae
bleed
bless
blind
blc
bld
blw
blue
bard
bat
bd
bil
bb
bne
b
bt
brder
brn
brrw
bth
bttle
btt
bwels
bwl
bx
b
brain
branch
brass
brave
bread
breadth
brea
breafast
breast
breath
breathe
breed
bric
bridge
bright
bring
brad
bradcast
brther
brwn
brush
bucet
build
building
bullet
bunch
burial
burn
burst
bur
bus
bush
business
bus
but
butter
buttn
bu
b
be
cage
cae
calculate
calculatr
call
cal
caera
cap
can
candle
cap
capital
captain
car
card
cardbard
care
careful
careless
carriage
carr
cart
case
castle
cat
catch
cattle
cause
cell
ceent
cent
center
centieter
central
centur
ceren
certain
chain
chair
chairpersn
chal
chance
change
character
charge
char
chase
cheap
cheat
chec
chee
cheer
cheerful
cheese
cheical
cheistr
cheque
chest
chicen
chief
child
childhd
children
chine
chin
chclate
chice
chse
church
cigarette
cinea
circle
circular
citizen
cit
civilizatin
clai
class
cla
clean
clear
cler
clever
cliff
clib
clc
clcwr
clse
clth
clthes
clthing
clud
club
cal
cast
cat
cffee
cin
cld
cllar
cllect
cllege
clr
cb
cbinatin
cbine
ce
cfrt
cfrtable
cand
cittee
cn
cpanin
cpan
cpare
cparisn
cpete
cpetitin
cpetitr
cplain
cplaint
cplete
cpund
cputer
cncern
cncerning
cncert
cnditin
cnfidence
cnfident
cnfuse
cnnect
cnscience
cnscius
cnsider
cnsist
cnsnant
cntain
cntents
cntinue
cntinuus
cntract
cntrl
cnvenient
cnversatin
c
cl
cpper
cp
crd
crn
crner
crrect
cst
cttn
cugh
culd
cuncil
cunt
cuntr
curage
curse
curt
cver
cw
cward
cwardl
crac
crash
crea
creature
creep
cricet
crie
criinal
crp
crss
crwd
cruel
cruelt
crush
cr
cultivate
cup
cupbard
cure
curl
current
curse
curtain
curve
cust
custer
cut
ccle
dail
daage
dance
danger
dangerus
dare
daring
dar
date
daughter
da
dead
deal
dear
death
debt
deca
deceit
deceive
decide
decial
decisin
declaratin
declare
decrate
decratin
decrease
deep
deer
defeat
defend
defense
degree
dela
delicate
delight
deliver
deand
departent
depend
dependent
depth
descend
describe
descriptin
descriptive
desert
deserve
desirable
desire
des
destr
destructin
detail
deterinatin
deterined
develp
devil
diand
dictinar
die
difference
different
difficult
difficult
dig
dinner
dip
direct
directin
dirt
dirt
disappint
discurage
discurageent
discver
discver
dish
disiss
distance
distant
ditch
divide
divisin
d
dctr
dg
dllar
dr
drwa
dt
duble
dubt
dwn
drag
draw
drawer
drea
dress
drin
drive
drp
drwn
drug
dru
drun
dr
duc
dull
during
dust
dut
each
eager
ear
earl
earn
earth
east
eastern
eas
eat
edge
educate
educatin
effect
effective
effrt
egg
eight
eighth
either
elastic
elbw
elect
electin
electric
electricit
elephant
else
epl
epler
eplent
ept
enclse
enclsure
encurage
encurageent
end
ene
engine
engineer
en
enent
enugh
enter
entertain
entertainent
entrance
envelpe
equal
equalit
escape
especiall
establish
establishent
even
evening
event
ever
ever
everne
everthing
everwhere
evil
exact
exainatin
exaine
exaple
excellent
except
exchange
excite
excited
exciting
excuse
exercise
exist
existence
expect
expensive
experience
explain
explanatin
explde
explsin
explsive
express
expressin
extree
ee
eelid
face
fact
factr
fail
failure
faint
fair
fair
faith
faithful
fall
false
fae
failiar
fail
faus
fanc
far
far
farer
farard
fashin
fashinable
fashined
fast
fasten
fat
fate
father
fault
favr
favrable
favrite
fear
feather
feed
feel
feeling
feelings
fellw
feale
fence
fever
few
field
fierce
fifth
fight
figure
fill
fil
find
fine
finger
finish
fire
fireplace
fir
first
fish
fisheran
fit
five
fix
flag
flae
flash
flat
flesh
flight
flat
fld
flr
flur
flw
flwer
fl
fld
fllw
fnd
fd
fl
flish
ft
ftball
ftpath
ftstep
fr
frbid
frce
frehead
freign
freigner
frest
frget
frgive
fr
fr
fral
frer
frerl
frt
frtunate
frtune
frward
frwards
fur
furth
fx
frae
free
freed
freeze
frequent
fresh
friend
friendl
frighten
frightening
fr
frnt
fruit
fulfill
full
fun
funeral
funn
fur
furnish
furniture
further
future
gain
gae
garage
garden
garent
gas
gasline
gate
gather
general
generus
gentle
gentlean
get
gift
girl
give
glad
glass
glr
glue
g
gat
gd
gld
glden
gd
gds
gvern
gvernent
grace
graceful
gradual
grain
gra
graar
grand
grandfather
grandther
grass
grateful
grave
gra
great
green
greet
greeting
grief
grieve
grund
grup
grw
grwth
guard
guess
guest
guidance
guide
guilt
gun
habit
habitual
hair
hair
half
hall
haer
hand
handerchief
handle
hang
happen
happ
hard
harden
hardl
hardship
har
harful
harless
hast
hat
hate
hatred
have
he
head
health
health
hear
heart
heat
heaven
heav
heel
height
help
helpful
hen
her
here
hers
herself
hide
high
hill
hi
hiself
hire
his
histrical
histr
hit
hld
hlida
hllw
hl
he
hnest
hnest
hnr
hnrable
h
hpe
hpeful
hpeless
hrizn
hrn
hrse
hspital
hst
ht
htel
hur
hurl
huse
hw
huan
hur
hurus
hundred
hundredth
hunger
hungr
hunt
hurr
hurt
husband
hut
ice
ic
idea
if
ill
iage
iaginar
iaginatin
iagine
iprtance
iprtant
iprve
iprveent
in
include
including
ince
increase
indr
indrs
industrial
industr
infect
infectin
infectius
influence
influential
infr
infratin
in
inner
inquire
inquir
insect
inside
instead
instruct
instructin
instruent
insurance
insure
intend
intentin
interest
interesting
internatinal
interrupt
interruptin
int
intrduce
intrductin
invent
inventin
invitatin
invite
inwards
irn
island
it
its
itself
aw
ealus
ealus
ell
ewel
ewelr
b
in
int
e
urne
udge
udgent
uice
up
ust
ustice
een
eep
e
ic
ill
il
ilgra
ileter
ind
ing
ingd
iss
itchen
nee
neel
nife
nc
nt
nw
nwledge
labr
lac
ladder
lad
lae
lab
lap
land
language
large
last
late
latel
laugh
laughter
law
lawer
la
laz
lead
leaf
lean
learn
least
leather
leave
left
leg
legal
lend
length
less
lessn
let
letter
level
librar
lid
lie
life
lift
light
lightning
lie
liel
lib
liit
line
lin
lip
liquid
list
listen
liter
literature
little
live
lad
laf
lcal
lc
ldging
ldgings
lg
lnel
lng
l
lse
lrd
lse
lss
lt
lud
lve
lw
lwer
lal
lalt
luc
lup
lung
achine
achiner
ad
agazine
agic
agician
ail
ain
ae
ale
an
anage
anager
anner
an
ap
arch
ar
aret
arriage
arr
ass
aster
at
atch
aterial
atter
a
e
eal
ean
eaning
eans
easure
eat
edical
edicine
eet
eeting
elt
eber
er
end
entin
err
essage
essenger
etal
eter
ethd
etric
icrscpe
iddle
ight
ile
ilitar
il
illin
illinth
ind
ine
ineral
inister
inute
irrr
iss
ist
istae
ix
ixture
del
dern
ent
ne
ne
nth
nthl
n
ral
rals
re
rning
st
ther
tr
untain
use
uth
ve
uch
ud
ultipl
urder
uscle
usic
usician
ust
self
sterius
ster
nail
nae
narrw
nast
natin
natinal
nature
naval
nav
near
nearl
neat
necessar
nec
need
needle
neighbr
neighbrhd
neither
nerve
nervus
nest
net
netwr
never
new
news
newspaper
next
nice
night
nine
ninth
n
nble
nblean
nise
nne
nnsense
nr
nrth
nrthern
nse
nt
nthing
ntice
nun
nw
nwhere
nuber
nurse
nut
nln
bedience
bedient
be
bect
btain
ccasin
cean
dd
f
ff
ffend
ffense
ffensive
ffer
ffice
fficer
fficial
ften
il
ld
n
nce
ne
neself
nin
nl
pen
perate
peratin
pinin
ppnent
ppse
ppsite
ppsitin
r
range
rder
rdinar
rgan
rganizatin
rigin
ther
therwise
ught
ur
urs
urselves
ut
utdr
utdrs
uter
utside
ver
we
wing
wn
xgen
pac
pacet
page
pain
painful
paint
painting
pair
palace
pale
pan
paper
parallel
parcel
parent
par
parliaent
part
participle
particular
partner
part
pass
passage
passenger
past
pastr
path
patience
patient
pattern
pause
pa
paent
peace
peaceful
pen
pence
pencil
peple
pepper
per
perfect
perfr
perhaps
perid
perissin
perit
persn
persnal
persuade
pet
petrl
phtgraph
phtgraph
phrase
phsical
pian
pic
picture
piece
pig
pile
pilt
pin
pin
pipe
pit
place
plain
plan
plane
plant
plastic
plate
pla
pleasant
please
pleased
pleasure
plent
plural
pcet
pe
pet
petr
pint
pinted
pisn
pisnus
ple
plice
plish
plite
plitical
plitician
plitics
pl
pr
ppular
ppularit
ppulatin
prt
psitin
pssess
pssessin
pssibilit
pssible
pssibl
pst
pt
ptat
pund
pur
pwder
pwer
pwerful
practical
practice
praise
pra
praer
precius
preparatin
prepare
presence
present
preserve
president
press
pressure
pretend
prett
prevent
price
pricl
pride
priest
prince
principle
prisn
prisner
private
prize
prbabilit
prbable
prble
prcess
prcessin
prduce
prduct
prductin
prfessin
prfit
prise
prnunce
prnunciatin
prf
prper
prpert
prtect
prtectin
prtective
prud
prve
prvide
prvisin
prvisins
public
pull
pup
punish
punishent
pupil
pure
purple
purpse
push
put
qualit
quantit
quarrel
quarter
queen
questin
quic
quiet
quite
rabbit
race
radi
railwa
rain
raise
range
ran
rapid
rare
rat
rate
rather
raw
reach
read
read
real
reall
reasn
reasnable
receive
recent
recentl
recgnitin
recgnize
recrd
red
reduce
reductin
refusal
refuse
regard
regular
related
relatin
relative
religin
religius
reain
rear
reeber
reind
reve
rent
repair
repeat
repl
reprt
represent
representative
republic
request
respect
respectful
respnsible
rest
restaurant
result
return
reward
rice
rich
rid
ride
right
ring
ripe
rise
ris
river
rad
rb
rc
rd
rll
rf
r
rt
rpe
rse
rugh
rund
rw
ral
rub
rubber
rude
ruin
rule
ruler
run
rush
sad
safe
safet
sail
sale
salt
sae
sand
satisfactin
satisfactr
satisf
save
sa
scale
scatter
scene
scener
schl
science
scientific
scientist
scissrs
screw
sea
search
seasn
seat
secnd
secrec
secret
secretar
see
seed
see
seize
sell
send
sensatin
sense
senseless
sensible
sensitive
sentence
separate
serius
servant
serve
service
set
settle
seven
seventh
several
severe
sew
sex
sexual
shade
shadw
shae
shall
shae
shape
share
sharp
she
sheep
sheet
shelf
shell
shelter
shield
shine
ship
shirt
shc
she
sht
shp
shpeeper
shre
shrt
sht
shuld
shulder
shut
shw
shut
sic
side
sidewas
sight
sign
signal
signature
silence
silent
sil
sill
silver
siilar
siilarit
siple
since
sincere
sing
single
singular
sin
sister
sit
situatin
six
sixth
size
sill
sillful
sin
sirt
s
slave
sleep
slide
slight
slip
slipper
slpe
slw
sall
sell
sile
se
sth
snae
snw
s
sap
scial
sciet
sc
sft
sil
sldier
slen
slid
se
sehw
sene
sething
seties
sewhere
sn
sng
sn
sre
srrw
srr
srt
sul
sund
sup
sur
suth
suthern
space
spacecraft
spade
spea
spear
special
specialist
speech
speed
spell
spend
spin
spirit
spite
splendid
split
spil
spn
sprt
spt
spread
spring
square
stage
stair
stap
stand
standard
star
start
state
statin
sta
stead
steal
stea
steel
steep
ste
step
stic
stic
stiff
still
sting
stitch
stach
stne
stp
stre
str
str
straight
strange
stranger
strea
street
strength
stretch
strie
string
stre
strng
structure
struggle
student
stud
stupid
stle
subect
substance
subtract
succeed
success
successful
such
suc
sudden
suffer
sugar
suggest
suit
suitable
su
suer
sun
supper
suppl
supprt
suppse
sure
surface
surprise
surrund
swallw
swear
sweep
sweet
swell
swi
swing
swrd
spathetic
spath
sste
table
tail
tae
tal
tall
taste
tax
taxi
tea
teach
tea
tear
telephne
televisin
tell
teper
teperature
teple
tend
tendenc
tender
tennis
tense
tent
terrible
terrr
test
than
than
that
the
theater
their
theirs
the
theselves
then
there
therefre
these
the
thic
thief
thin
thing
thin
third
thirst
thirst
this
thrugh
thse
thugh
thught
thusand
thusandth
thread
threat
threaten
three
thrat
thrugh
thrw
thub
thunder
thus
ticet
tid
tie
tiger
tight
tie
tietable
tin
tire
title
t
tbacc
tda
te
tgether
trrw
tngue
tnight
t
tl
tth
tp
ttal
tuch
tur
turist
twards
twer
twn
t
trac
trade
traffic
train
translate
transparent
trap
travel
treat
treatent
tree
treble
tribe
tric
trip
trpical
truble
trusers
true
trun
trust
truth
tr
tube
tune
turn
twice
twist
tpe
tpical
tre
ugl
uncle
under
understand
und
unifr
unin
unit
unite
universal
universe
universit
until
up
upper
upright
upset
upside
upstairs
urge
urgent
us
use
useful
useless
usual
valle
valuable
value
variet
varius
var
vegetable
vehicle
verb
ver
victr
view
village
vilence
vilent
visit
vice
vte
vwel
vage
wages
waist
wait
waiter
wae
wal
wall
wander
want
war
war
warth
warn
wash
waste
watch
water
wave
wa
we
wea
wealth
weapn
wear
weather
weave
wedding
wee
weel
weigh
weight
welce
well
west
western
wet
what
whatever
wheat
wheel
when
whenever
where
whether
which
whichever
while
whip
whisper
whistle
white
wh
whever
whle
wh
wiced
wide
widespread
width
wife
wild
will
willing
win
wind
windw
wine
wing
winter
wire
wisd
wise
wish
with
within
withut
witness
wan
wnder
wd
wden
wl
wlen
wrd
wr
wrld
wr
wrr
wrse
wrship
wrst
wrth
wrth
wuld
wund
wrap
wrec
wrist
write
wrng
wrngding
ard
ear
earl
ellw
es
esterda
et
u
ung
ur
urs
urself
uth
zer
【英語朗文詞典基礎(chǔ)詞匯】相關(guān)文章:
英語基礎(chǔ)詞匯每日精選04-16
最全英語基礎(chǔ)詞匯03-09
牛津英語詞典破例收錄網(wǎng)絡(luò)詞匯04-23
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英語法語基礎(chǔ)詞匯對照03-15
高考英語基礎(chǔ)備考詞匯匯總03-18