An essay at this level largely accomplishes all of the following:
●Effectively addresses the topic and task
●Is well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details
●Displays unity, progression, and coherence
●Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors
An essay at this level largely accomplishes all of the following:
●Addresses the topic and task well, though some points may not be fully elaborated
●Is generally well organized and well developed, using appropriate and sufficient explanations, exemplifi-cations, and/or details
●Displays unity, progression, and coherence, though it may contain occasional redundancy, digression, or unclear connections
●Displays facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety and range of vocabulary, though it will probably have occasional noticeable minor errors in structure, word form, or use of idiom-atic language that do not interfere with meaning
An essay at this level is marked by one or more of the following:
●Addresses the topic and task using somewhat developed explanations, exemplifications, and/or details
●Displays unity, progression, and coherence, though connection of ideas may be occasionally obscured
●May demonstrate inconsistent facility in sentence formation and word choice that may result in lack of clarity and occasionally obscure meaning
●May display accurate, but limited range of syntactic structures and vocabulary
An essay at this level may reveal one or more of the following weaknesses:
● Limited development in response to the topic and task
●Inadequate organization or connection of ideas
●Inappropriate or insufficient exemplifications, explanations, or details to support or illustrate generaliza-tions in response to the task
●A noticeably inappropriate choice of words or word forms
●An accumulation of errors in sentence structure and/or usage
An essay at this level is seriously flawed by one or more of the following weaknesses:
●Serious disorganization or underdevelopment
●Little or no detail, or irrelevant specifics, or questionable responsiveness to the task
●Serious and frequent errors in sentence structure or usage
An essay at this level merely copies words from the topic, rejects the topic, or is otherwise not con-nected to the topic, is written in a foreign language, consists of keystroke characters, or is blank.